Prayer Request

Submit Your Prayer Request

When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.

Request Title# PrayersSubmitted On 
Prayer to Save Marriage and Reunite Family0October 4, 2024Details
Regional Director0July 26, 2024Details
WATCH AND PRAY!0July 8, 2024Details
Healing 0June 29, 2024Details
Prayer 0June 8, 2024Details
Healing 1May 29, 2024Details
prayer needed0May 18, 2024Details
Finances0May 16, 2024Details
Prayer Request0May 1, 2024Details
Grace0April 28, 2024Details
Prayer to Save Marriage and Reunite Family0March 27, 2024Details
Healing 0March 9, 2024Details
Restoring 0February 20, 2024Details
prayer needed1February 17, 2024Details
Healing 1February 3, 2024Details
Grace1February 3, 2024Details
Regional Director1January 24, 2024Details
Prayer Request - Thank you.1January 14, 2024Details
Healing 1January 10, 2024Details
Prayer Request - Thank you.2January 5, 2024Details
Healing 2December 18, 2023Details
Regional Director2December 14, 2023Details
Healing 2December 2, 2023Details
Healing 2November 26, 2023Details
Recover2November 9, 2023Details
SPIRITUAL EMERGENCY2October 14, 2023Details
SPIRITUAL EMERGENCY2October 11, 2023Details
Prayer Request - Thank you.2September 24, 2023Details
Healing 2September 21, 2023Details
Healing 2September 20, 2023Details
Healing 2August 29, 2023Details
Prayer2July 29, 2023Details
Prayer for healing2July 27, 2023Details
Prayer Request - Thank you.2July 17, 2023Details
Prayer Request - Thank you.3July 8, 2023Details
Prayer Request - Thank you.5June 27, 2023Details
Prayer Request - Thank you.4June 17, 2023Details
Healing3June 7, 2023Details
Prayer Request - Thank you.6May 28, 2023Details

Prayer to Save Marriage and Reunite Family

Please pray legal proceedings stop immediately, that my marriage is saved and that my husband comes home to me and our 3 year old daughter. Thank you so much.

Regional Director

Isabella Rodriguez
First impressions only happen once, and a dirty space is sure to send the wrong message. Commercial Cleanrs keeps your establishment in good shape every time. We’ve achieved a 98% approval rating from 200+ San Diego-area clients because we truly care about the quality of cleaning and service we provide. May I give you a customized cleaning quote that fits your needs? Isabella Rodriguez Regional Director Commercial Cleanrs San Diego Respond with stop to optout.


Bright Matolo
Good Morning and win forever. Thank you for your time. My name is Bright Matolo. I visited your church's page in Facebook. I am blessed and I would love to share with you God's Message for our lives... *WATCH AND PRAY!* This are perilous times because of the challenges that are ahead. We need God more this year because many situations that will arise this year, we will know it's beyond human. So we need to be taken back to God. We are going somewhere. It's like we are in a moving vehicle, we get to a roadblock and we stop. Everyone will go through screening; no one will escape screening. When you are traveling to another country, you get to the airport. Then they tell you to place your luggage on a machine and they use a machine to screen you, to see if you are carrying some strange thing. If they find any strange thing, they won't allow you to go. This is how God want to screen everyone. That is the way of what we will go through. You will know if you are going. If things continue the way they are now, no one will serve God again. People have begun to say, "Are you sure there is God?" Evil people have majority following them because they prosper with what they are doing. People have begun joining them and saying, "This is the way." Unless there is no God - the God that created heaven and earth. The evil people they get more followers and if God does not come down with His Righteous Hand on us, you too will join the evil people because you are just at the edge of following them because you have to eat, you need money to buy food and to build [Malachi 3:13-18]. With what is happening and we say that God will not come down with His Righteous Hand (His Righteous Sword). If we know where our children (our youth) are right now, we will pity ourselves, we will cry. Mind you those things we wouldn't like, are the things He tells us. Those things God doesn't want for you, are the things He shows us so we can begin to pray over them. What you deserve, He doesn't necessarily need to show us. This is why the people of the world they don't understand. What is happening in your country is what is happening everywhere. All over the world similar challenges. Nation fight nation and the thing is spreading everywhere. We cannot tell God what to do but this is the message GOD IS COMING DOWN WITH HIS RIGHTEOUS HAND TO SCREEN US; WE WILL GO THROUGH SCREENING. When there is no vision, people perish. I believe we are meant to be like Jesus in our hearts and not in our flesh. But be careful of Artificial Intelligence (AI), for it knows only things of the flesh such as our fleshly desires (without fear of God) and cannot comprehend things of the Spirit such as true love and eternal joy that comes from obeying God's Word [Galatians 5:16-26]. Man is a spirit and has a soul but lives in a body which is flesh. When you go to bed, it is the flesh that sleeps. But your spirit never sleeps and that is why you have dreams, unless you have died in peace physically. More so, true love that endures and last is a thing of the heart. When I say 'heart', I mean 'spirit'. But fake love, pretentious love, love with expectations, love for classic reasons, love for material reasons (love because of material needs) and love for selfish reasons outside God those are things of the flesh. In the beginning God said let us make man in our own image, according to our likeness. Take note, God is Spirit and God is Love. As Love He is the source of it. That means, our love is but a shadow of God's Love. True love looks around to see who is in need of your help, your smile, your possessions, your money, your strength, your quality time. Love forgives and forgets. Love wants for others what it wants for itself. However, true love works in conjunction with other spiritual forces such as patience and faith - in the finished work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, rather than in what man has done such as science, technology and organizations which won't last forever. To avoid sin and error which leads to the death of your body and your spirit-soul in hell fire (second death), you must make God's Word the standard for your life, not AI or your flesh. If not, God will let you face AI on your own (with your own strength) and it will cast the truth down to the ground, it will be the cause of so much destruction like never seen before, it will deceive many because of their desperation and take many captive in order to enslave them into worshipping it and abiding in lawlessness. We can only destroy ourselves but with God all things are possible. God knows us better because He is our Creater and He knows our beginning and our end. The prove texts can be found in the book of Daniel 2, Daniel 7-9, Matthew 24-25, Luke 21, John 5:31-44, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 and Revelation 13-15. HOW TO MAKE GOD'S WORD THE STANDARD FOR YOUR LIFE? You must read your Bible slowly, attentively and repeatedly, having this in mind that Christianity is not a religion but a Love relationship. It is measured by the love you have for God and the love you have for your neighbor. Matthew 5:13 says, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men." Our spirits can only be purified while in the body (while on earth) but after death anything unpurified (unclean) cannot enter Heaven Gates. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God [Matthew 5:8]. No one in his right mind can risk or even bare to put anything rotten into his body nor put the rotten thing closer to the those which are not rotten. Sin makes the heart unclean but you can ask God to forgive you, to save your soul, to cleanse you of your sin, to purify your heart by the blood of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ which He shed here on earth as Isaiah 53:5 says, "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed". Meditation in the Word of God is a visit to God because God is in His Word. We know God through His Word because the Word He speaks represent His heart's desires. Meditation is a thing of the heart, not a thing of the mind. Thinking is lower level while meditation is upper level. You think of your problems, your troubles but inorder to meditate, you must let go of your own will, your own desires, your own ways and rest in God's Love, Wisdom and Power by letting the Word you read prevail over thinking process by thinking of it more and more, until the Word gets into your blood and gains supremacy over you. That is when meditation comes - naturally without forcing yourself, turning the Word over and over in your heart. You can be having a conversation with someone while meditating in your heart - saying 'Thank you, Jesus...' over and over in your heart. But it is hard to meditate when you haven't let go of offence or past hurts because you need a free spirit to believe His Word and meditate on it. Your pain of the past, leave it for God, don't worry yourself, Jesus is alive, you can face tomorrow, He understands what you are passing through today. Begin to meditate on this prayer day and night (in all that you do), "Lord take more of me and give me more of you. Give me more of your holiness, faithfulness, obedience, self-control, purity, humility, love, goodness, kindness, joy, patience, forgiveness, wisdom, calmness, perseverance... Make me a channel of shinning light where there is darkness, a channel of pardon where there is injury, a channel of love where there is hatred, a channel of humility where there is pride..." The Word of God becomes a part of us by meditation, not by saying words but spirit prayer (prayer from the heart). God is Spirit and those who worship Him should do so in spirit and truth (genuinely by living the Word in both good times and hard times alike). When the Word becomes a part of you, it will by its very nature influence your conduct and behavior. You become a new creation, guided by the Holy Spirit and not just what you hear or see. Your bad habits, you will no longer have the urge to do them. You will think differently, dream differently, act differently and talk differently - if something does not qualify for meditation, it does not qualify for conversation. THE BATTLE BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARKNESS (GOOD AND EVIL) Heaven is God's throne and the dwelling place for God's angels and the saints. Hell was meant for the devil (satan) and the fallen angels. Those who torture the souls in hell are demons (unclean spirits). Man's spirit is a free moral agent. You can either yield yourself to the Spirit God by choosing to do good or to the evil spirit by choosing to do wrong because God has given us discretion. If one thinks he possesses only his own spirit, he is lying to himself and he is already in the dark. Light (Holy Spirit) and darkness (evil spirit) cannot stay together in a man's body. God is Love; Love is light. Where there is no love is hell and where there is no light there is darkness. The one you yield yourself to, you will get his reward. The reward of righteousness to man's spirit is life (abundant life) and the reward of sin to man's spirit is death. Sin and satan are one and the same. Whatever sin can cause, satan also can cause. Sin is what gives the devil dominion/power over man's spirit. When God's Word becomes a part of you, sin power over you is broken because Jesus and His Word are one and Jesus much more powerful than satan, then you become the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. Where Jesus is, you are; when He went (to the Father), you went [Ephesians 2:1-10]. May God bless His Word in the midst of your heart. Be blessed as you share this message?.


Marcy DiFabio
Please help Steven Strong through this difficult time with his brain cancer. Please do not let him suffer.


Andrew and Nicole Pick
Prayer for Andrew and Nicole Protection in our marriage also Happiness and love and peace also pray for us to have blessed summer full of unexpected blessings maricles supply all our needs physical spiritual and all our prayers to be answered and God to restore everything the enemy stolen from us spiritual, physical and God gives us wisdom and good health and good mental health and God to take care of us financially so we aren't lacking or struggles in Jesus name amen thank you for praying for us


Pray for me Dear Jesus, LIFT up Viola Cleo Bradshaw to hear The Voice of Jesus and God, and for deep peace and deep sleep. I need healing in my brainstem, broken nose, and pray to set me free from all Satan in mind's eye with sunlight essence. Pray to stop Mind Control by Nicolas Delva. Pray I get light for all those that sit in darkness and death and guide my feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:79). Help me think in my heart, for as ye thinkest in his heart so is he (Proverbs 27 3). Open my mind and heart to know Jesus. I want a personal relationship with Jesus.LIFT up Eledaa or Elad my son. Amen. Thank you, Jesus is a great teacher.

prayer needed

Ren T
Please pray for my finances. I'm having a hard time. I started making money on the weekends and then I started having a hard time with my finances. I know it was God blessing me, then something evil started hurting me. And I suddenly got very sick. I was coughing and sneezing whenever I did work. Please pray. Thank you.


Crystal Vines
Please pray for full time employment and sleep at night..I am not getting any interviews

Prayer Request

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon.,I've been praying for a life partner for 29 years...In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen


Father God I need You. Father God for Your glory. Please keep me in Your will. Please keep me obedient to You. Please give me faith. Please protect me. Please restore me. Please bless me. Please give me grace. Please give me mercy. Please keep Your promises and I know You always do. God You are the best. I ask in the name and the blood of Jesus by Your gentle grace and mercy alone now and forever amen.

Prayer to Save Marriage and Reunite Family

Please pray that God softens my husband's heart, brings him home and reunites our family. Thank you so much.


Marcy DiFabio
Pray for Steven Strong that he recovers from his surgery.


Dimitry Swils
I greet you in the powerful name of the Almighty Father God, & his son Christ Jesus the King. I ask for prayer that the Almighty God hands continue to move over my life & to turn anyone's dislike of me into love for me & for God to remove out of their hearts any negative or falsely thoughts they may have about my character & for Father God to destroy any traps set against me. And that Father God will set his spiritual boundary of covering around my life & my family, which will be released over us from God: spiritual direction, healing, God's love, protection, safety, and wisdom. I stand in agreement with the assigned prayer-warrior over my prayer, & in the name of the precious and powerful Jesus the King, Proverbs 26:27 Amen. Thank you so much!

prayer needed

Ren T
Please pray for my film festival business. It was doing very well then it had problems, and I got less submissions. It was really helping and it was helping others to. Please pray for blessings. Thank you.


I'd like prayer because: Prayers are requested for healing Viola-Cleo Bradshaw. Healing needs include: depression, broken nose, sleep disorder, deep sleep, needs deep peace, and pure,unconditional love, and lift up Jhana Maya Bradshaw, Alan Bruce Bradshaw and Jazzy Bradshaw, they need peace of mind and trauma healing and Kildy (Kildyboo) Bradshaw passed away and may he go on the rainbow Bridge to heaven. Include in the pastor's daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 months.


.. ..
Please agree with me in prayer God bless you. Father God I ask in the name and blood of our Lord and Your son Jesus Christ. Because in my own name I am not known and my own blood I am not worthy. For Your glory. For Your pleasure. For my ancestors honor. For my wife's ancestors sake. For everyone who cares about her For everyone who cares about me. For the encouragement of all who have prayed for us For my wife's sisters sake. For the angels to be encouraged. For the demons to be discouraged and in despair. For the believers faith to be strengthened. For the non believers to give them a reason to believe, and a witness against them if they do not. Forgive all the sins of my wife and the sins of myself. Bless us with Your salvation and favor give us grace and treat us mercifully. I thankyou for my marriage. I thankyou for the blessings You have put on it. I ask that it last now and forever. I thank you for my wife A, and I thank you how I was blessed with her. I pray to be more patient and trusting of her. I pray that A is never unfaithful to me not even close and that she is divinely protected from this sin. I pray for all of our days you increase our love for another and continue to bless us and make us happier and happier together. I also pray for complete and divine protection from the man who previously tried to ruin our marriage and complete and divine protection from any man that attempts to steal or woo my wife I pray they have no favor in my wife's heart at all and no favor in her eyes at all. I am in the middle of getting my doctorate degree I ask for God’s blessing to complete it as easy and quickly as possible if it is within His will. I also must admit that I need help getting a career employment. If God is willing I ask for good jobs with good pay so I may provide for myself and my wife. I also ask for a job that is consistent some day. I ask to always be blessed financially and to have a giving heart to help those when I can and should. I also pray once I have money to be wise with it but also to be able to enjoy it. I also have 15 unspoken requests God knows. I pray and ask and declare all of these things now and forever. I also ask that God protects the health of myself and my wife. That He protects us from all harm and disease, and that we never get cancer. And that we may live healthy long lives that are pleasing to Him and that we die of old age not by anything else and when we do all by His grace alone go to heaven. If it is possible and within God’s will I ask that my father my mother my brother my sister and brother in law are also saved and that they live long lives that are healthy and holy. And that they are protected from all harm as well and go to heaven by grace alone as well. Each blessing I ask for I pray relies on Your grace and mercy alone. So I never have a reason to boast but always a reason to thank You and praise You in the powerful name of Jesus Christ amen

Regional Director

First impressions only happen once, and a dirty space is sure to send the wrong message. Commercial Cleanrs keeps your establishment in good shape every time. We’ve achieved a 98% approval rating from 200+ San Diego-area clients because we truly care about the quality of cleaning and service we provide. May I give you a customized cleaning quote that fits your needs? Isabella Rodriguez Regional Director Commercial Cleanrs San Diego Respond with stop to optout.

Prayer Request - Thank you.

Laurie Paysse
1-14-24 Greetings Prayer Team, Please pray that God would guard our health, save our lost family, and bless our business, Heavenly Oaks Flower Farm. Thank you. Sincerely, David & Laurie Paysse (Hannah & Nathan)


I'd like prayer because: Prayers are requested for healing Viola-Cleo Bradshaw. Healing needs include: depression, sleep disorder, deep sleep, I can't fall asleep due to hearing voices in my space of awareness, and for a broken nose, needs peace, and brainstem healing, and lift up Alan Bruce Bradshaw and Cordelia Vogel, heal their minds, heart trouble and family tree. Include in the pastor's daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 months.

Prayer Request - Thank you.

Laurie Paysse
1/5/23 Greetings Prayer Team, Please pray that God would restore our health. Cold and flu season has arrived. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, David, Laurie, Nathan, Hannah, Nancy, Marie


Marcy DiFabio
Please pray for Richard Giorla that he recovers from his lymphoma.

Regional Director

As a local cleaning provider, we understand the significance of a pristine space for productivity. But you shouldn’t have to micromanage the cleaning of your facility. We're excited to extend a special offer to you—a no-obligation quote for recurring cleaning services. With an elevated cleaning experience you can enjoy a spotless work environment that allows you to focus on important tasks like running your business. Simply respond to this email and leave the rest to us. May I give you more information? Wishing you the best holidays ever! Thank you for your time, Isabella Rodriguez Regional Director Commercial Cleanrs San Diego Respond with stop to optout.


That Richard Giorla has positive results from his chemotherapy.


For Richard Giorla that he makes it through his cancer treatment without too much discomfort.


David Carlisle
Having a brain test done Shots I’v In a machine for a hour long test Starting at 9:30 am Friday


To this church, I ask the pastor to read this letter to your congregation. The story that I am about to tell you is all true and will be hard to swallow because you all might not understand what I am about to explain to you. You might not believe me at first but I will try my best to speak as I am fighting to stay alive and keep my mind strong as you might not understand. I was born in Los Angeles, California on 10/03/1978 at 15:37 hours to a man by the name George Cedillo sr. and a woman by the name of Aurora Chagoya. Born under a false religion. I left Los Angeles at the age of only one year old to go live with my mother in my grandmother's house (which is in my mothers side of the family). I lived in Mexico with my mother until I turned 6 years old and returned back to Los Angeles to live with my grandmother (who is on my fathers side of the family). A few moments later I felt this strong dark presence in that room that I couldn’t not explain at all. So I decided to lay down on my bed and pull the covers over my head so I wouldn’t be scared at all. About a moment later right before I fell asleep I felt something heavy touch my leg. I pulled the covers off my head thinking that one of my aunt's cats was in the room, but when I looked up there were no cats at all. Sometimes when I went to the basement I felt this dark presence staring at me like I was being devoured at all times. One day I was ordered to sleep in the living room. I hated that because it was closer to the basement. During this time I started to see a pair of red evil eyes for about a few seconds but vanished into thin air. But something let me know that everything was safe and sound so I fell asleep. One day I went to visit my mom in Mexico. During this time I started to go church and for some unknown reason went to the priest to help him out. In the dark corner of the church out of the corner of my eyes I saw a pair of red glowing eyes looking at me but they as well vanished into thin air. I came back to live with my grandmother in Los Angeles. At the age of eleven I lost one year of my life due to a memory loss. From that moment I would touch the top of my stomach and felt a heartbeat that at first was weird to me but I just left it alone thinking that everybody had the same thing. Since then every time I was at my grandmother's house I would feel cold spots and sometimes a dark presence that I never liked.} During this time I never thought about it and sometimes I just blocked it from my mind. Over the years something started to grow in me to find out the truth about reality. I came to find out that Jesus Christ (which is in the Christian Bible) is the real way to get to Heaven. One night I felt something that I could not describe to you but was forced to kneel down on my knees to pray to Jesus Christ for forgiveness for all the things that I have ever done against him and against others. The following day everything went from bad to worse. The first thing that happened to me the following day was an overwhelming feeling like someone poured a bucket of hot water on my brain. I would throughout the day get this heat on my head and heavy migraines. I went to a church to seek Jesus Christ. But when I entered the church the headaches and the heat would get stronger. I resisted throughout the day. Over the next few weeks and months I would get the worst intrusive thoughts imaginable. I resisted those as well. At times I thought that I would get a heart attack and would die. After this I would get hopeful and depressed at the same time. I came to have several panic attacks but came out of those ones with my faith in Jesus Christ. This went on for a while until it got worse. One morning while I was laying down praying to Jesus Christ I felt this physical presence when it touched me on my forehead. I rose from my bed quickly and started to rebuke (cast out) this presence using the word faith but I could not use that word for over an hour. I finally used that word. Then I started to hear voices all of the time until only one voice remained. This voice started to play tricks on my mind. At times I thought that I felt a hand going inside my body and touched several vital organs. At times I would feel heat and other things going inside my body. Before all this started I would get nightmares that in some of them I felt as if the devil himself was coming after me and trying to kill me or possess me in my dreams. In one dream that I had I felt and saw myself becoming very evil but some very power force woke me up. I screamed to Jesus Christ to help out and he did. I finally found out that I was possessed since I was a child without knowing it since I was eleven years old by a demon that calls himself the devil. I feel him physically all the time now telling me he is a snake not a goat. I could feel his scales, hot breath, body, arms, hands, and his heavy claws that sometimes feel like sharp knives digging into my flesh. I could feel him cutting me inside my throat and on top of the skin of my head. I cannot speak at all times because he took my voice from and at times trying to strangle my head like he is doing now. This is not about losing my mind but a spiritual battle that I am fighting to stay alive. He is holding my mind with his. I am using all the physical strength that I got to write to all of you that would read this letter. I am currently searching for people, persons, pastors, or churches that know how to cast demons, unclean spirits, and evil spirits out away from people the way Jesus instructed them to do it. I am writing to all that would listen and believe in the Bible with a strong belief and faith system in Jesus Christ. I am desperate to find people that would fight for me in this present dark day of mine. I don’t know how to escape from this demon at all and I am alone in this battle because I am homeless living in the streets of La Mesa California. I am telling you the truth and currently hoping to come to my aid because this demon won’t allow me to pray to Jesus Christ. He always puts discouraging thoughts and hypnotic suggestions into my head. I am a slave and a prisoner to this demon. He takes my thoughts captive and can read my mind. During the night I am using the camera in my cell phone to try to take photos to prove to you all that would be willing to read this message that I am truly possessed by a demon. My name is George V. Cedillo Jr and My telephone number is (619)389-7653 but I could only text you all because I have had several encounters with pastors. Some of them I was trying to get the Holy Oil from them but this demon would put thoughts to deter me from getting Holy Oil from them. I don’t know what he is doing to me and I don’t know how he is able to put things into people's minds so they won’t be able to help me out. I am asking all of you to pray to Jesus Christ to help me out so I can get delivered from my demonic possession. Is there anybody that would love to help me out? He tells me that he wants to kill me anyway he wants. Truly I don’t know how long I have to live. I can feel his arms around my stomach and my throat. He says that he chose me for vessels of destruction. This is a cry and a plea for help from all the people that have been Blessed from the Divine God Called Jesus Christ to cast out demons. All that I am writing to all of you is the truth. I currently sleep in front of one of three churches located in La Mesa main street behind the main shopping street near Swami's Cafe La Mesa and behind La Mesa Springs shopping center. If anybody can come and help me out I would love that very much. And I ask you all to pray to Jesus Christ to forgive me of all of my sins on behalf of me. I also want to add that I am in righteous anger because no one will help me out these days because miracles like these are dying out every year. I am still all alone in these moments of my life. Tell Jesus Christ that I have given my life to him and tell him to forgive me for the things that I don’t want to do and the things that I am not able to control myself. Tell Jesus Christ to let him know that if I were to die because of this demon that I already accepted him, but I can’t receive him because of what is going on in my life. The demon has my brain locked with his and yes this is spiritual. Send Jesus Christ a message to receive me in his presence. Is there anyone that can do the will of the Lord Jesus Christ to pray to him for two things, : one to pray to him in my hour, need for forgiveness of both thought, voice, and action, : and two to see if I am going home to heaven? For this is the only way that I can pray to Jesus Christ through all of you. And please send me a text message to see what he says. Thank you all for helping me and please refer to the Bible for details of demonic possessions. For it is written that Jesus Christ is no liar at all for all of the Bible is his word. I ask that you all pray that the will of the Lord Jesus Christ is for a miracle for my spirit TO COME BACK TO MY BODY ACCORDING TO JESUS CHRIST’S WILL. in other words a lazarus miracle like Jesus did when he was here.


To this church, I ask the pastor to read this letter to your congregation. The story that I am about to tell you is all true and will be hard to swallow because you all might not understand what I am about to explain to you. You might not believe me at first but I will try my best to speak as I am fighting to stay alive and keep my mind strong as you might not understand. I was born in Los Angeles, California on 10/03/1978 at 15:37 hours to a man by the name George Cedillo sr. and a woman by the name of Aurora Chagoya. Born under a false religion. I left Los Angeles at the age of only one year old to go live with my mother in my grandmother's house (which is in my mothers side of the family). I lived in Mexico with my mother until I turned 6 years old and returned back to Los Angeles to live with my grandmother (who is on my fathers side of the family). {One night I was in one of the rooms in my grandmother's second story house during the night. In a mirror I saw what looked like a small girl about 10 years old wearing old Victorian style clothing out of the corner of my eye. During this time the image disappeared. A few moments later I felt this strong dark presence in that room that I couldn’t not explain at all. So I decided to lay down on my bed and pull the covers over my head so I wouldn’t be scared at all. About a moment later right before I fell asleep I felt something heavy touch my leg. I pulled the covers off my head thinking that one of my aunt's cats was in the room, but when I looked up there were no cats at all. Sometimes when I went to the basement I felt this dark presence staring at me like I was being devoured at all times. One day I was ordered to sleep in the living room. I hated that because it was closer to the basement. During this time I started to see a pair of red evil eyes for about a few seconds but vanished into thin air. But something let me know that everything was safe and sound so I fell asleep. One day I went to visit my mom in Mexico. During this time I started to go church and for some unknown reason went to the priest to help him out. In the dark corner of the church out of the corner of my eyes I saw a pair of red glowing eyes looking at me but they as well vanished into thin air. I came back to live with my grandmother in Los Angeles. At the age of eleven I lost one year of my life due to a memory loss. From that moment I would touch the top of my stomach and felt a heartbeat that at first was weird to me but I just left it alone thinking that everybody had the same thing. Since then every time I was at my grandmother's house I would feel cold spots and sometimes a dark presence that I never liked.} During this time I never thought about it and sometimes I just blocked it from my mind. Over the years something started to grow in me to find out the truth about reality. I came to find out that Jesus Christ (which is in the Christian Bible) is the real way to get to Heaven. One night I felt something that I could not describe to you but was forced to kneel down on my knees to pray to Jesus Christ for forgiveness for all the things that I have ever done against him and against others. The following day everything went from bad to worse. The first thing that happened to me the following day was an overwhelming feeling like someone poured a bucket of hot water on my brain. I would throughout the day get this heat on my head and heavy migraines. I went to a church to seek Jesus Christ. But when I entered the church the headaches and the heat would get stronger. I resisted throughout the day. Over the next few weeks and months I would get the worst intrusive thoughts imaginable. I resisted those as well. At times I thought that I would get a heart attack and would die. After this I would get hopeful and depressed at the same time. I came to have several panic attacks but came out of those ones with my faith in Jesus Christ. This went on for a while until it got worse. One morning while I was laying down praying to Jesus Christ I felt this physical presence when it touched me on my forehead. I rose from my bed quickly and started to rebuke (cast out) this presence using the word faith but I could not use that word for over an hour. I finally used that word. Then I started to hear voices all of the time until only one voice remained. This voice started to play tricks on my mind. At times I thought that I felt a hand going inside my body and touched several vital organs. At times I would feel heat and other things going inside my body. Before all this started I would get nightmares that in some of them I felt as if the devil himself was coming after me and trying to kill me or possess me in my dreams. In one dream that I had I felt and saw myself becoming very evil but some very power force woke me up. I screamed to Jesus Christ to help out and he did. I finally found out that I was possessed since I was a child without knowing it since I was eleven years old by a demon that calls himself the devil. I feel him physically all the time now telling me he is a snake not a goat. I could feel his scales, hot breath, body, arms, hands, and his heavy claws that sometimes feel like sharp knives digging into my flesh. I could feel him cutting me inside my throat and on top of the skin of my head. I cannot speak at all times because he took my voice from and at times trying to strangle my head like he is doing now. This is not about losing my mind but a spiritual battle that I am fighting to stay alive. He is holding my mind with his. I am using all the physical strength that I got to write to all of you that would read this letter. I am currently searching for people, persons, pastors, or churches that know how to cast demons, unclean spirits, and evil spirits out away from people the way Jesus instructed them to do it. I am writing to all that would listen and believe in the Bible with a strong belief and faith system in Jesus Christ. I am desperate to find people that would fight for me in this present dark day of mine. I don’t know how to escape from this demon at all and I am alone in this battle because I am homeless living in the streets of La Mesa California. I am telling you the truth and currently hoping to come to my aid because this demon won’t allow me to pray to Jesus Christ. He always puts discouraging thoughts and hypnotic suggestions into my head. I am a slave and a prisoner to this demon. He takes my thoughts captive and can read my mind. During the night I am using the camera in my cell phone to try to take photos to prove to you all that would be willing to read this message that I am truly possessed by a demon. My name is George V. Cedillo Jr and My telephone number is (619)389-7653 but I could only text you all because I have had several encounters with pastors. Some of them I was trying to get the Holy Oil from them but this demon would put thoughts to deter me from getting Holy Oil from them. I don’t know what he is doing to me and I don’t know how he is able to put things into people's minds so they won’t be able to help me out. I am asking all of you to pray to Jesus Christ to help me out so I can get delivered from my demonic possession. Is there anybody that would love to help me out? He tells me that he wants to kill me anyway he wants. Truly I don’t know how long I have to live. I can feel his arms around my stomach and my throat. He says that he chose me for vessels of destruction. This is a cry and a plea for help from all the people that have been Blessed from the Divine God Called Jesus Christ to cast out demons. All that I am writing to all of you is the truth. I currently sleep in front of one of three churches located in La Mesa main street behind the main shopping street near Swami's Cafe La Mesa and behind La Mesa Springs shopping center. If anybody can come and help me out I would love that very much. And I ask you all to pray to Jesus Christ to forgive me of all of my sins on behalf of me. I also want to add that I am in righteous anger because no one will help me out these days because miracles like these are dying out every year. I am still all alone in these moments of my life. Tell Jesus Christ that I have given my life to him and tell him to forgive me for the things that I don’t want to do and the things that I am not able to control myself. Tell Jesus Christ to let him know that if I were to die because of this demon that I already accepted him, but I can’t receive him because of what is going on in my life. The demon has my brain locked with his and yes this is spiritual. Send Jesus Christ a message to receive me in his presence. Is there anyone that can do the will of the Lord Jesus Christ to pray to him for two things, : one to pray to him in my hour, need for forgiveness of both thought, voice, and action, : and two to see if I am going home to heaven? For this is the only way that I can pray to Jesus Christ through all of you. And please send me a text message to see what he says. Thank you all for helping me and please refer to the Bible for details of demonic possessions. For it is written that Jesus Christ is no liar at all for all of the Bible is his word. I ask that you all pray that the will of the Lord Jesus Christ is for a miracle for my spirit.

Prayer Request - Thank you.

Laurie Paysse
9/24/23 Greetings Prayer Team, Please pray that God would save our lost family, bless our health and business, and guide our son, Nathan, to find his calling. Thank you! Sincerely, David & Laurie Paysse (Hannah & Nathan)


Prayers are requested for healing Viola Cleo Bradshaw. Healing needs include: depression,  split personality disorder,  loneliness,  loss, and for her body, healing for sleep disorder,  and for a broken nose, needs stability and peace, heal Akashic records,  they need clearing,  send millions of angels and archangel Pahalia,  and lift up Cordelia Vogel,  heal her mind, heart trouble and family tree. Please include in the pastor's daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 months.


Prayers are requested for healing Viola Cleo Bradshaw. Healing needs include: depression,  split personality disorder,  loneliness,  loss, and for her body, healing for sleep disorder,  and for a broken nose, needs stability and peace, heal Akashic records,  they need clearing,  send millions of angels and archangel Pahalia,  and lift up Cordelia Vogel,  heal her mind, heart trouble and family tree. Please include in the pastor's daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 months.


Prayers are requested for healing Viola Cleo Bradshaw. Healing needs include: depression,  split personality disorder,  loneliness,  loss, and for her body, healing for sleep disorder,  and for a broken nose, heal Akashic records,  they need clearing,  send millions of angels and archangel Pahalia,  and lift up Cordelia Vogel,  heal her mind, heart trouble and family tree. Please include in the pastor's daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 months.


Llock Glykoriza
Entreating the Overlord Jesus in His Love and Charitablity for the life I used to have with family and friends. I am lonely now that they either click with evil minded cliques, give up on life, or double-cross me after their breaking points. I pray for nearness, but they run away enough that I think I'm breathing shallowly.. As a Christian my job is to bring land, earth, and sea to every person, every exotic countryman to preach the Life like freeborn children again, cared by the father that gives gifts and provisions. If my heart gives up, I may give up one day losing my mission. Still holy, but people may die spiritually or unclean in disease without Him.

Prayer for healing

Irgoli? Irgoli?
Hi. Please pray for my healing. Thank you. Darko Irgoli?

Prayer Request - Thank you.

Laurie Paysse
7/17/23 Greetings Prayer Team, Please pray that God would guide our adult son, Nathan, to find his calling soon. Thank you! Sincerely, Laurie Paysse

Prayer Request - Thank you.

Laurie Paysse
7/8/23 Greetings Prayer Team, Please pray that God would save our lost family, bless our health and business, and guide our son, Nathan, to find his calling. Thank you! Sincerely, David & Laurie Paysse (Hannah & Nathan)

Prayer Request - Thank you.

Laurie Paysse
6/26/23 Greetings Prayer Team, Please pray that God would provide guidance for our son, Nathan, to find his calling. Thank you. Sincerely, David & Laurie Paysse

Prayer Request - Thank you.

Laurie Paysse
6-16-23 Greetings Prayer Team, Please pray for the salvation of our lost family, blessings on our health and business, and guidance for our son to find his calling. Thank you. Sincerely, David & Laurie Paysse (Hannah & Nathan)


Carole Woodward
Bruce returns home and has about 1 week of recooperation. On top of that he is suffering from a terrible cold. Tough because it activates his Bronchitis. Not in good shape:(

Prayer Request - Thank you.

Laurie Paysse
5/28/23 Greetings Prayer Team, We humbly request your prayers. Please pray for the salvation of our lost family, the protection of our health, and the guidance to find good tenants. Thank you, David & Laurie Paysse (Hannah & Nathan)
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.