June 2018
AHA! Bible Study
We all have had an "aha" moment in our lives that changes us. This six session study draws on scripture and reveals how three key elements work for us through AWAKENING, HONESTY and ACTION
Find out more »October 2018
Men’s Network Bible Study
Breakfast at 8:00am Bible Study at 8:20am All men are invited.
Find out more »German Lutheran Oktoberfest
Potluck Style celebration of Oktoberfest. More details to Follow...
Find out more »January 2019
February 2019
Diana’s Angels Project
Our mission is to serve Christ and be faithful witnesses by providing appropriate burial clothing for infants who die and by offering Christian support and comfort to their grieving families. The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40 About Diana's Angel Project can be found here: http://www.dianasangelsproject.com/about-us
Find out more »Chili & Bunco Night
If you have never played Bunco your missing some real fun! Not only that we will have some Chili Cookoff to taste. Hot Medium and Mild
Find out more »March 2019
April 2019
Painting Class
Learn to paint on Canvas This month's painting "Spring in the Hill"
Find out more »Yearly Planning Meeting
We will be working on long range plans
Find out more »May 2019
Diana’s Angels
Our mission is to provide loving support and comfort to grieving parents upon the passing of their preborn or infant chi/d by providing appropriate c/othing in which to dress the child Visit www.dianasangelsproject.com for more information Join us in making burial layettes consisting of blankets kimonos, caps/bonnets and booties which are donated to grieving parents. You need not be able to sew, we also need those who can cut patterns, crochet, knit, sort or package. For more information about this…
Find out more »July 2019
Ministry Teams Planning Meetings
Our Ministry teams Care & Worship, Outreach, Stewardship, Property, Fellowship and Education make plans.
Find out more »August 2019
Annie, An Orphan’s Story
Youth Musical Theater Summer Camp Shepherd's Players invites you to join us for: ANNIE, AN ORPHAN'S STORY Where: SVLC Community Building, 4510 North River Road, Oceanside When: Monday, July 29th - Friday, August 2nd 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. Performance Saturday August 3rd at noon. Who: Ages 5-14, male and female (Everyone has a speaking part and will participate in songs and dances! Cost: …
Find out more »September 2019
Women’s Bible Study
Traveling Light Weary travelers. You've seen them -- everything they own crammed into their luggage. Staggering through terminals and hotel lobbies with overstuffed suitcases, trunks, duffels, and backpacks. Backs ache. Feet burn. Eyelids droop. We've all seen people like that. At times, we are people like that -- if not with our physical luggage, then at least with our spiritual load. We all lug loads we were never intended to carry. Fear. Worry. Discontent. No wonder we get so weary.…
Find out more »December 2019
First of the Month Potluck
Drinks and table service provided. Just bring a lunch item to share. See you there!
Find out more »March 2020
April 2021
Men’s Network Bible Study
Online Men's Bible Study 10:00 am We are going through the book "Blessed is the Man" by Bob Morris since we are all social-distancing we will study together via Zoom More info email Kolkmanallen@gmail.com on how to join in.
Find out more »October 2021
After Church Potluck
Halloween Church Potluck will be Sunday Oct. the 17th following service. The potluck will be Oktoberfest themed Look for a signup sheet on the information table.
Find out more »November 2021
Painting Ministry
For November we will be doing Winter in the Mountains. In this painting, we will practice and learn how to do fluffy clouds, distancing objects and shading on snow. I am excited for this and I hope you are too! It is quite different than what we have done in the past. Please join us, we will have a great time! This will be on my website today for signing up, or as always, you can send me an email
Find out more »Thankfeast!
Free Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings. Shared with love, gratitude, faith and embrace. Be sure to invite family,friends, neighbors, coworkers and especially Marines! We need lots of food and lot fo volunteers to provide it! Shepherd of the Valley Tradition for over 40 years
Find out more »December 2021
Painting Ministry
The holidays are upon us, so what else to paint but a holiday picture? On December 5 at 12:30, we will be painting ornaments in which we will learn how to paint a round object with highlights so it looks 3 dimensional. It will be fun, fun, fun! Some have already signed up but we need all of you! Please join us for this holiday cheer before the mad rush of Christmas. Log into www.pamscolorpallet.com and sign up. This link should…
Find out more »April 2022
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »August 2022
October 2022
Painting Class
Wow, time as slipped away. I didn't realize that next Sunday is the first Sunday of the month. Attached is the painting we will be doing. Most of you wanted pumpkins, so here is what I came up with. Since it is so close to the class this time, please let me know as soon as possible so I can get the canvases ready.
Find out more »November 2022
Painting Class
Here is what you have all been waiting for. We will be focusing on perspective. Sorry it's so late, we will be doing this a little bit different than normal and I had to work out some kinks the process.. As always, please sign up on my website. Also, as a reminder, due to the high cost of everything, I will now be charging $25 for the class.
Find out more »February 2023
Ministry Teams Planning Meetings
Our Ministry teams Care & Worship, Outreach, Stewardship, Property, Fellowship and Education make plans.
Find out more »March 2023
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »April 2023
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »May 2023
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »June 2023
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »July 2023
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »August 2023
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »September 2023
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »October 2023
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »November 2023
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »December 2023
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »January 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »February 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »March 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »Easter Brunch
Adult Bible study will not meet on this Sunday! Easter Potluck will be offered in the Community Building from 8:30 to 9:45. This will be a "designated potluck" - folks designate (sign up) for specifically what they will bring. There are several possibilities.... + EGGS (scrambled or egg casseroles) - see possible recipes below + MEATS (ham, bacon, sausage) + BREADS (muffins, quick breads, pastries) + FRUITS + POTATOES + DRINKS (juices, milk, make the coffee) Each is asked to…
Find out more »April 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »May 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »June 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »July 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »August 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »September 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »October 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »November 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »December 2024
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »January 2025
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »Church Potluck
Drinks and table service provided. Just bring a lunch item to share. See you there! (We don't go lunch on Sunday's that we a potluck at a local restaurant)
Find out more »February 2025
Kids Konnection
Our “Kids Konnection” (aka Sunday School) meets First Sunday of each month during Pastors message. Don’t miss this opportunity for children to grow and learn! Our “club” is small, but we count this all VERY important! We have a dedicated group of teachers who are eager to welcome you.
Find out more »Church Potluck
Drinks and table service provided. Just bring a lunch item to share. See you there! (We don't go lunch on Sunday's that we a potluck at a local restaurant)
Find out more »